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Keeping cloth diapers clean is not just about maintaining hygiene; it's also about preserving the diapers' integrity so they can keep serving your family effectively. While washing might seem daunting at first, we're here to simplify the process. Here’s how you can keep your Tush Diapers fresh, clean, and ready for action.

Finding Your Rhythm

Before we dive into the washing steps, let's address frequency. At Tush Diaper, we recommend washing your diapers twice a week, but this can be adjusted according to your personal use and what suits your family's routine. Some families wash more frequently, while others find that less often works for them.

Step 1: The Pre-Wash

Think of the pre-wash as a rinse cycle that gets rid of the bulk of waste and urine. This step helps prevent stains and odors from setting in.

Water Temperature: Use cool or warm water (up to 40°C/104°F) for this cycle.

Cycle Type: Set your washing machine to a normal cycle.

Duration: Let it run for about 1 hour to thoroughly agitate and rinse the diapers.

Detergent: Use half the recommended amount of detergent for the load size. This helps to loosen and remove soiling without causing build-up.promoting healthier skin.

Step 2: The Main Wash

The main wash is where the heavy lifting happens, thoroughly cleaning your diapers.

  • Water Temperature: Use hot water (between 40-60°C/100-150°F) for optimal cleaning.
  • Cycle Type: Choose a regular to heavy cycle, depending on your machine's settings.
  • Detergent: Use the full recommended amount of detergent for the load size to ensure diapers come out clean and fresh.

Step 3: The Rinse

The final rinse is a safeguard against detergent residue, which can irritate baby's skin and decrease diaper absorbency.

  • Cycle Type: Run an extra rinse cycle after the main wash.
  • Water Temperature: Cool water is adequate for this rinse.

Sun Drying:

Nature's DisinfectantIf hot water is not an option, or even if it is, sun drying your diapers can work wonders. The sun’s UV rays help to naturally disinfect and can assist in removing any stubborn stains left after washing.


washing cloth diapers is no big deal


washing cloth diapers is no big deal

Tips for Washing Success

  • Avoid Softeners: Fabric softeners can coat fibers, reducing absorbency.
  • Pre-Treat Stains: If you have any stubborn stains, pre-treat them before the pre-wash.
  • Correct Loading: Ensure your machine is not too full or too empty; diapers need enough space to agitate but also enough friction to clean properly.

Washing cloth diapers doesn't have to be complicated. By following these steps, you can ensure that your diapers remain in great condition, providing comfort and protection for your little one. With a little routine and some sunshine, you’ll be a cloth diaper washing expert in no time!